Sell Your RV Privately with Ease: Quick Tips and its partners may earn a commission if you purchase a product through one of our links

Selling your RV privately can be a rewarding experience, allowing you to maximize your sale and have complete control over the process. Whether you’re selling a motorhome, travel trailer, or camper van, there are essential steps to follow to ensure a smooth and successful sale. In this article, we will guide you through the process of selling your RV privately, offering valuable tips and insights to help you get the best value for your asset.

Selling an RV privately may initially seem overwhelming, but with the right guidance, it can be a straightforward and profitable endeavor. By following these quick tips, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the private sale process and achieve a successful outcome.

Key Takeaways:

  • Prepare your RV for sale by cleaning it thoroughly, fixing any broken parts, and ensuring mechanical functionality.
  • Choose the right platform to sell your RV, whether it’s through online listings, dealerships, or consignment.
  • Create a compelling listing that highlights your RV’s features and appeals to your target market.
  • Negotiate professionally and protect yourself by drafting a sales agreement and completing all necessary paperwork.
  • Consider seeking professional assistance to navigate the selling process and maximize your chances of a successful sale.

Where to Sell Your RV: Online Listings

One popular way to sell your RV privately is by utilizing online listings. These platforms provide an extensive reach to potential buyers and give you the opportunity to market your RV effectively. By leveraging online platforms, you can maximize your chances of selling your RV quickly and at a fair price.

When it comes to online listings, two widely used platforms are Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist. These platforms are free to use and have a large user base, allowing you to reach a wide audience of potential buyers. It’s important to create a compelling listing on these platforms, highlighting the key features and benefits of your RV. Use persuasive language and provide detailed information to capture the interest of potential buyers.

In addition to Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist, there are specialized websites that cater specifically to RV sales, such as These websites attract a more targeted audience of RV enthusiasts who are actively searching for RVs to buy. By listing your RV on these websites, you can increase your chances of attracting serious buyers who are specifically looking for an RV like yours.

Timing is also an essential factor when selling your RV online. The RV market tends to peak after the holidays, particularly in January and February. By listing your RV during this period, you can take advantage of the increased demand and maximize your chances of a successful sale. Additionally, ensure that you set a competitive price for your RV based on its condition, market value, and comparable listings.

To make your online listing stand out, high-quality and visually appealing photos are crucial. Invest the time in capturing high-resolution images that showcase your RV’s exterior, interior, and key features. If necessary, consider hiring a professional photographer to ensure your photos are of the highest quality. These photos will create a strong first impression for potential buyers and increase the likelihood of generating inquiries.

By utilizing online listings, you can reach a targeted audience of RV buyers and increase your chances of selling your RV quickly. Whether you choose to list your RV on Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, or specialized RV websites, be sure to set a competitive price, select the right timing, and accompany your listing with high-quality photos.

Platform Key Features
Facebook Marketplace – Large user base
– Free listings
– Wide reach
Craigslist – Popular classified website
– Free listings
– Broad audience – RV specific platform
– Capture targeted audience
– Detailed listings

Selling to Dealerships

If you’re looking for a convenient and simplified process to sell your RV, selling it to a dealership could be an option worth considering. Dealerships offer a hassle-free experience by handling the paperwork and getting your RV ready for sale. This can save you time and effort compared to selling privately.

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One advantage of selling to a dealership is the opportunity to trade-in your RV if you’re looking to purchase a new one. This can make the process of upgrading your RV more seamless and convenient, as you can negotiate a trade-in value and apply it towards your new purchase.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that selling to a dealership may result in reduced profit compared to selling privately. Dealerships typically offer lower prices for RVs, as they need to make a profit when reselling them. This means you may not achieve the highest selling price for your RV.

Another drawback of selling to dealerships is limited negotiation power. Since dealerships have a predefined pricing structure, there may be limited room for negotiation on the price they offer for your RV. This can be a downside if you’re looking for more control over the selling price.

Ultimately, the decision to sell your RV to a dealership depends on your priorities. If convenience and a simplified process are at the top of your list, selling to a dealership can be a favorable option. However, if maximizing your profit and having more negotiation power are important to you, selling privately may be a better choice.

Pros and Cons of Selling to Dealerships

Pros Cons
Convenience and simplified process Reduced profit compared to selling privately
Opportunity to trade-in your RV Limited negotiation power

Selling your RV to a dealership can be a convenient option for those looking for a simplified selling process. However, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons to make an informed decision that aligns with your priorities.

Consigning Your RV

Are you looking for a hassle-free way to sell your RV? Consigning your RV through a reputable dealership may be the perfect solution for you. Consignment offers a middle-ground option between selling privately and selling to a dealership directly. It provides convenience and a simplified process while allowing you to retain ownership of your RV.

When you consign your RV, the dealership takes on the responsibility of marketing, showcasing, and handling the paperwork involved in the sale. This can save you a significant amount of time and effort. Additionally, the dealership can assist you in getting your RV ready for sale by taking care of cleaning, repairs, and any necessary maintenance.

However, it’s important to consider both the pros and cons of consigning your RV:


  • Convenience: The consignment lot handles the entire selling process on your behalf.
  • Simplified Process: No need to worry about marketing, showings, or paperwork.
  • Increased Reach: The dealership’s network and customer base can help attract potential buyers.


  • Broker Fees: You will be required to pay a commission fee to the dealership, usually around 10% of the sale price.
  • Loss of Control: Since the dealership is handling the sale, you may have limited control over the negotiation process.
  • Consignment Insurance: It’s crucial to have consignment insurance to protect your RV while it’s in the dealership’s possession.

Overall, consigning your RV can be a convenient option for those who want to simplify the selling process. However, it’s essential to weigh the benefits against the potential drawbacks and evaluate if consignment is the right choice for you. Remember to choose a reputable dealership and ensure that you have a clear understanding of the terms and conditions outlined in the consignment agreement.

consign rv

Option Pros Cons
Private Sale – Maximize control and profit
– Personalized negotiation
– Time-consuming process
– Limited reach
Dealership Sale – Quick sale and trade-in option
– Hassle-free process
– Lower selling price
Limited negotiation power
Consigning Your RV – Convenience and simplified process
– Increased reach
Broker fees
Loss of control
Consignment insurance

Prepare Your RV to Sell

Before listing your RV for sale, it is important to prepare it to maximize its value. By following these essential steps, you can ensure your RV is in the best possible condition, making it more attractive to potential buyers and increasing its selling price.

Clean, Clean, Clean!

Start by thoroughly cleaning both the interior and exterior of your RV. Pay attention to every detail, including all living spaces, storage compartments, and the roof. A clean and well-maintained RV creates a positive first impression and implies that it has been well cared for.

Fix Broken Parts

Address any damages or broken parts by repairing or replacing them. This includes both aesthetic components, such as furniture or appliances, and mechanical systems, such as the HVAC or plumbing. Ensuring that everything is in working order demonstrates the RV’s value and reassures potential buyers of its reliability.

Check Mechanics and Systems

Don’t overlook the importance of checking the RV’s mechanical functionality and systems. Have a professional inspect and service the engine, generator, electrical system, and any other vital components. A well-maintained RV with functioning systems will not only attract buyers but also provide peace of mind.

Increase Value with Upgrades

To increase the value of your RV, consider making upgrades that will appeal to buyers. This could involve installing new flooring, updating the interior decor, or adding modern amenities. Simple improvements can go a long way in enhancing the overall appeal and value of your RV.

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Repair any Damages

If your RV has any visible damages, such as scratches, dents, or leaks, it’s crucial to address them before selling. Repairing these damages will improve the overall appearance of your RV and give potential buyers confidence in its condition.

Ensure Mechanical Functionality

In addition to checking the RV’s mechanical systems, ensure that all the basic functionalities are in good working order. Test the appliances, lights, air conditioning, and heating systems to ensure they function properly. Any issues should be addressed and fixed promptly.

prepare rv for sale

Preparation Steps Benefits
Thoroughly clean the interior and exterior Creates a positive first impression
Fix or replace broken parts Demonstrates value and reliability
Check the mechanical systems Provides peace of mind to buyers
Make upgrades to enhance value Attracts buyers and justifies a higher selling price
Repair any visible damages Improves overall appearance and condition
Ensure all functionalities are working Builds buyer confidence and trust

Listing and Marketing Your RV

When it comes to listing and marketing your RV, there are key strategies you can employ to maximize your chances of a successful sale. By creating a compelling listing that highlights your RV’s unique features and appeals to your target market, you can attract more interested buyers and increase your chances of making a sale.

Highlight Key Features

To create a compelling listing, make sure to highlight the key features of your RV that set it apart from others on the market. Whether it’s the spacious interior layout, top-of-the-line appliances, or advanced technology, emphasizing these unique selling points will capture the attention of potential buyers.

Provide Detailed Information

When creating your listing, provide detailed information about your RV’s specifications, amenities, and condition. Include relevant details such as the year, make, model, size, and mileage. Describe any upgrades or recent maintenance that has been done. The more information you provide, the more confident potential buyers will feel about considering your RV.

Use Multiple Platforms

Maximize your reach by using multiple platforms to list your RV for sale. Online classified websites, such as Craigslist and RV-specific forums or groups, are excellent options. Additionally, consider utilizing social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to expand your reach even further. By using multiple platforms, you increase your chances of reaching a larger audience and finding the right buyer for your RV.

Social Media Promotion

Take advantage of the power of social media by promoting your RV listing to your network and relevant RV communities. Share captivating photos, catchy descriptions, and relevant hashtags to attract potential buyers. Engage with comments and inquiries promptly and professionally to build trust and increase the likelihood of a sale.

Be Proactive in Marketing

Don’t just rely on passive listings to sell your RV. Be proactive in marketing your RV by considering hosting open houses or attending RV events in your area. These opportunities allow potential buyers to see your RV in person and ask any specific questions they may have. By actively marketing your RV, you increase your chances of finding the right buyer.

Respond to Inquiries

When potential buyers reach out with inquiries about your RV, respond promptly and provide the information they are seeking. Be professional and courteous in your communications, and always strive to provide accurate and detailed answers. Engaging with potential buyers in a timely manner shows your dedication and interest in making a successful sale.

Popular Online Platforms for Listing Your RV

Platform Pros Cons
Craigslist Wide reach, local targeting Can attract non-serious buyers RV-specific platform, targeted audience May require paid listings for maximum exposure
Facebook Marketplace Large user base, social sharing Moderation policies and scams
RV-specific forums/groups Engaged community, niche audience Requires active participation

Note: The table above showcases popular online platforms for listing your RV.

Negotiating and Completing the Sale

When it comes to selling your RV, negotiating the price is a crucial part of the process. To ensure a successful sale, it’s important to be open to offers while also setting a bottom line that you are willing to accept. By following these key steps, you can handle negotiations professionally and complete the sale with confidence.

1. Be Open to Offers: When potential buyers make an offer, be receptive and consider their proposals. Stay open-minded and evaluate each offer on its merits. Remember, negotiation is a give-and-take process, and finding a middle ground can lead to a mutually beneficial agreement.

2. Set a Bottom Line: Before entering into negotiations, determine the minimum price that you are willing to accept for your RV. This bottom line should be based on factors such as the RV’s condition, features, market value, and your own financial goals. Having a clear bottom line will help guide your negotiations and prevent you from accepting an offer that is too low.

3. Handle Negotiations Professionally: Approach negotiations with professionalism and respect. Keep communication lines open and be responsive to potential buyers. Justify your asking price by highlighting the unique features, recent upgrades, and the overall condition of your RV. By presenting a well-reasoned argument, you can increase your chances of securing a fair price.

“Negotiation is the art of reaching a mutually beneficial agreement.”

4. Draft a Sales Agreement: Once a price has been agreed upon, it’s essential to draft a sales agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the sale. This agreement should cover details such as the final price, any included accessories, payment terms, and a timeline for completing the transaction. Including these specifics will help protect both parties and ensure a smooth sale.

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5. Complete Necessary Paperwork: Selling an RV involves paperwork, and completing it accurately and promptly is crucial. This paperwork includes transfer of ownership documents, release of liability forms, and any financing arrangements if applicable. Be thorough and ensure all necessary paperwork is properly filled out to avoid any legal complications down the line.

6. Consider Escrow Service: To provide added security and peace of mind for both the buyer and seller, consider using an escrow service. An escrow service acts as a neutral third party and holds funds until all conditions of the sale have been met. This protects against potential fraud or disputes and ensures a secure and smooth transaction.

Taking the Next Step

By negotiating the price, handling negotiations professionally, and completing the necessary paperwork, you can finalize the sale of your RV with confidence. Be open to offers, but also set a bottom line that reflects the value of your RV. Remember, a well-drafted sales agreement and the use of an escrow service can provide added protection throughout the transaction process.

Key Points Benefits
Be open to offers Maximize your chances of securing a fair price
Set a bottom line Protect yourself from accepting offers that are too low
Handle negotiations professionally Build trust and increase the likelihood of a successful sale
Draft a sales agreement Ensure both parties are clear on the terms of the sale
Complete necessary paperwork Avoid legal complications and ensure a smooth transaction
Consider escrow service Provide added security and peace of mind

Seek Professional Assistance

Selling your RV privately can be a complex process, but with professional help, you can navigate it with ease and confidence. Valuation services can assist you in determining the fair market value of your RV and guide you in setting an appropriate asking price.

If you’re looking for comprehensive support throughout the selling process, companies like National Vehicle offer expert assistance. They can help you create compelling ads, market your RV across multiple platforms, and stay involved until your RV is sold.

Additionally, they can provide guidance to buyers seeking competitive financing options. If you want added peace of mind, they can also arrange for an independent RV inspection to ensure the quality and condition of your RV. With their national vehicle assistance, you can sell your RV with professional expertise and maximize your chances of a successful sale.


How can I sell my RV privately?

To sell your RV privately, you can consider online listings, selling to dealerships, or consigning your RV. Each option has its pros and cons, so choose the one that suits your needs and preferences.

Where can I sell my RV online?

You can sell your RV online through websites like Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, and RV-specific classified websites such as These platforms have a wide user base and can help you reach a larger audience.

How can I maximize my reach when selling my RV online?

To maximize your reach when selling your RV online, choose the right timing, preferably after the holidays. Additionally, ensure you have high-quality photos that showcase your RV and its features. Utilize multiple platforms and consider hiring a professional photographer if needed.

What are the pros and cons of selling my RV to a dealership?

Selling your RV to a dealership offers convenience and a quick sale process. You may also have the opportunity to trade-in your RV if you’re purchasing a new one. However, selling to a dealership may result in a lower selling price compared to selling privately, and you have limited negotiation power.

What is consignment and how does it work?

Consignment involves engaging a dealership to handle the sale of your RV while you remain the owner. The dealership will market and show your RV, handle paperwork, and assist with getting your RV ready for sale. However, consignment comes with a commission fee and a binding contract with the dealership.

How should I prepare my RV for sale?

To prepare your RV for sale, thoroughly clean both the interior and exterior. Address any damages or broken parts by repairing or replacing them. Fix any mechanical issues and ensure full functionality. Taking the time to prepare your RV will make it more attractive to buyers and increase its value.

How can I create a compelling listing and market my RV effectively?

Create a listing that highlights your RV’s features and appeals to your target market. Provide detailed information about the RV’s specifications, amenities, and condition. Utilize multiple platforms, including online classified websites, social media platforms, and RV-specific forums or groups. Share your listing with your network and relevant RV communities. Promptly respond to inquiries and consider hosting open houses or attending RV events.

How should I negotiate the price of my RV?

When negotiating the price of your RV, be open to offers while also setting a bottom line that you’re willing to accept. Handle negotiations professionally, carefully justifying your asking price based on the RV’s condition, features, and market value. Once a price is agreed upon, draft a sales agreement outlining the terms of the sale, and complete all necessary paperwork.

Is professional assistance available for selling my RV?

Yes, professional assistance is available for selling your RV. Valuation services can help determine the fair market value of your RV and guide you in setting an appropriate asking price. Companies like National Vehicle offer comprehensive assistance throughout the selling process, including creating compelling ads, marketing your RV across multiple platforms, and providing guidance until your RV is sold.

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